All you need to know about the HoME Open CallLive discussion 

If you are registering, you will receive the ZOOM link before 7th of December.

6 december 2021


HoME is an oral history-based art project created in the frame of a cooperation between four European new music organisations based in four countries: Hungary, Austria, Serbia and Spain. Its centerpiece is a small, portable house-shaped installation able to process and sonify data that will be collected during simple storytelling actions involving the participation of individuals from diverse local communities. Twelve emerging artists coming from different art disciplines (or genres) will engage in an interdisciplinary process resulting in the creation of a series of collective works based on the collected materials during the first phase of the project.


This event is about to describe the project goals, introduce the partners and the timeline for the possible applicants. 


11:00 – About the project: story, activities, timeline – Samu Gryllus, artistic leader of the project
11:30 – Introduction of the project partners
11:45 – Q&A
12:00 – National breakout rooms 


The Open Call’s deadline is 15th of December 2020. Find the whole call here:… 


Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.  

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