A moment to land @ Budapest
UMZE Chamber Ensemble
19 september 2023, 18:00 – 21:00
A further presentation of the closing series of the project will happen in Budapest. We will have here the outdoor installation as well as the full exhibition and the final performance with the UMZE Chamber Ensemble.
“Would you tell us what home means to you?”
Answers to this question were collected by 12 artists from different genres, art disciplines and countries in Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Spain. Three phases of the collective project HoME can now be seen together.
HoME installation
HoME exhibition
A Moment to Land
Admission is free of charge, but you need to register. You can register via the following e-mail address:
Partners and artistic leaders:
Cultural Centre of Vojvodina Milos Crnjanski, Dragan Ilic – philosopher, curator & manager of the Program 2K+ ,Svetotar Nesic – composer, curator & manager of the Program 2K+
The Black Page Orchestra, Matthias Kranebitter – artistic leader, Claire Granier Blaschke – project manager
MIXTUR Festival: Oliver Rappoport – artistic leader, Oriol Saladrigues – artistic leader, Susana Bautista – projekt manager
Trasparent Sound New Music Festival, Samu Gryllus – artistic leader
Júlia Mihályfy – project manager
Bethlen Téri Színház
1071 Budapest, Bethlen Gábor tér 3.
Participating Artists:
Ricardo Castro Arceiz — interdisciplinary performer
Bálint Bolcsó — composer
Dunja Crnjanski — pianist, performer
Marco Döttlinger — composer
Franciska Éry — theatre director
Ábris Gryllus — interdisciplinary artist
Branislav Jovancevic — composer
Jug Marković — composer
Carlos Nuñez Medina — composer
Julio Cesar Palacio — composer and sound artist
Eva Maria Schaller — choreographer, dancer
Conny Zenk — video artist and visual composer